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Wednesday, November 26, 2014
I Am Known
I was having dinner with a friend the other day when the question came up: How can God--who is non-corporeal, love humans--who are? The idea being that love comes in part from interaction and while we can "spend time" with God, and talk to him, and get to know him on some level, it certainly isn't the same as it is with another human being. Now one could argue via Christian theology that God did in fact have a corporeal form in which he demonstrated his love. But the question stuck in my mind. I have to admit that I have often wished God was more tangible. While I've felt the Spirit on many occasions, I can't just collapse on the couch and lean my head against God's shoulder. I can't run into his physical outstretched arms when I'm crying. I can't dance with him when I'm joyful. So while I was driving home that night, I talked with God about my disappointments on this front. And I realized something. I may not be able to physically reach out and touch God whenever I want to (at least not yet,) but I have something else that is only possible with him: absolute understanding. My conversations with him go to a depth far beyond any I could have with mere mortals, because he KNOWS me. He knows all the logic (or lack thereof) that I use. He understands my fears and failings. I can go to him and present my questions, thoughts, opinions, etc without any sort of preamble or explanation of how I came to whatever it is I'm telling him about. I don't have to leave him thinking, "I didn't explain that well enough" or "He just doesn't understand." Because he does! Probably even better than I do. So while I still long for the day I get to see him face to face, I rejoice in the fact that there is someone who has looked into the deep waters of my heart and has understood every last thing hidden and exposed. I cherish the truth that there will never be a time that God will regard me with confusion. He gets me. He sees me. He knows me. Wow.
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