Trust. Huh. That seems to really be the key. "Religion" means nothing in the valleys. (Or in the deserts. When we're in the desert, religion won't quench our thirst or shield us from the hot sun. We can see it in the Israelites when they escaped egypt and went into the wilderness. Over and over and over again God in His own way said, "Trust me." Why was it so important that they learn this one concept? Because we will have trouble in this world. And yes, He has overcome the world, but do we trust Him enough to see that victory? I heard another speaker say, "The desert place is where faith goes to solidify or to die." How true.) So how do we experience joy in times of sorrow? How to we choose to be happy? How do we find God in the hard times? Maybe it begins with learning how to trust Him with more than an hour on Sunday and fifteen minutes the rest of the week. Maybe it means seeking Him out in the hard times rather than avoiding Him in anger. Maybe it means letting go, (because honestly, how much control do we really have in life?) and looking to God to tell us what to do with life, day by day. Scary. What if He asks you to do something hard? What if He asks you to do something you don't want to do? On the other hand, what if you never ask, never look, never try? Could it be that people who live in reckless abandonment of Self find purpose, and ambition, and desire, and drive? Could it be that they know God on a personal level and therefore don't have to struggle to trust Him? Could it be that they are tapping into a life-source that enables them to find joy and peace and passion?
The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want (for He will provide all I need). He makes me lay down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul. And even if (or should I say when) I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me. Your rod (used to defend) and your staff (used to guide and rescue) comfort me.
Did you know that joy and sorrow can be experienced simultaneously? That Happiness (for the most part) is a choice, and that God can be found even in the tough times? I know it... and I pray that He will help me learn to trust Him so that I also know it.
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