I'm just going to come out and say it: I think we've gotten all too comfortable in America with this "You're prefect just the way you are," mentality. Don't get me wrong! We are God's masterpieces (Eph. 2:10) and he loves us deeply. But we are broken individuals. I am a broken person. This point is CRUCIAL or the "good news" we have as Christ followers is "fake news." Without the admission that we are broken and we cannot fix ourselves, then Jesus dying on the cross was pointless. More than that, we spend our whole lives trying to convince ourselves that we're not broken rather than dealing with the issues! If it sounds like I'm banging hard on this metaphorical drum it's because I feel guilty for staying silent for so long. No one wants to hear "you're messed up." Much less, "and you can't fix yourself." But this is the power of the Gospel--while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us (Romans 5:8.)
I feel like we need to go back to the basics: We've all messed up. We've all done things that need forgiveness. We all have things we wrestle with and lose. We're all broken. Like a masterpiece that has been corroded over time, we are all tarnished. But God (probably the best two words strung together in the bible,) because of his great love and mercy, made a way for us to be restored. (Ephesians 2:4.) Jesus is willing (and able!) to take on the consequences of our mess-ups and help put us back together.
I know it hurts. It's scary. It's out of our control. And we hate it. Maybe because we have to trust in something outside of ourselves. Maybe because it means we don't get to call the shots or make the rules. Maybe because it means we have to admit we don't have what it takes. But I dare you to look past the fear. Because there is a God who know us better than we could ever know ourselves, and he longs for us to be restored and made whole. He longs for us to experience grace and mercy and love and to be forever changed. Sure it isn't easy. Sure it's going to take a LOT of time and energy. But let's be honest. Most things worth having/doing aren't easy.
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